Thursday, July 5, 2007

self evaluation 2

After you have processed your first new experience at MCL, In what way this will achieve successful adjustments?
- I can achieve successful adjustments by simply follow the school rules and have the right manner on how t communicate or bond to other people. by doing this kind of things, i can easily get along with different people around me.

How does Values Educaion work to your advatage?
-Values Education is very important for me because , this will help me to know what are the right things that i must do in my every day life, it helps tomake the right decisions in order to achieve everything that we want.

Self Evaluation 1

How was your first week of stay at MCL? How do you feel about your teachers and schoolmates? How do you find your courses? what sort of adjustment you still have to meet in terms of your academics, emotions, and social involvement's?
-My first week at MCL was fine, a Little bit nervous because of the new environment that i will encounter. But after a few days, i get to know well other people especially my classmates they are so very friendly and approachable. Regarding with my courses,I'm still adjusting by the way professors teaches us. In terms of social involvements, I must be more confident o approach different kinds of people, be more friendly and more approachable. Regards to my academics, there is a large change because the grading system of high school to college is very different.
How would you like your first year in college be? What specifically you have to do to achieve this desires?
-I like my first year in college to be successful, no failing grade in every courses. In Order for me to achieve my desires, I need to do my full effort, the best that i can do. I must be always attentive in our class, focus on my studies.